Alexander Garrett dances at a local bar. Tyler Saint grabs the muscle stud and the entire bar takes advantage of him. They grope him and make him suck cocks. The crowd cheers as one dude pours hot wax all over Alexander who is bound and helpless. He endures flogging and hard bondage fuck. Tyler milks the stud and everybody blows their loads on him.
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Very hot scene from a few years ago. Alexander Garret and Tyler of course are really sexy. I have add the bartender, I don't know his name, but his sexy muscular torso covered in blonde fur makes him so so so sexy. Thanks for re-releasing this very hot scene and release more scenes of that sexy blonde bartender please.
If I see that fucking Asian one more time, I cancel out this crap.
Once again that Asian bastard is hitting and slapping the victim. Why can't he slap back or kick him in the nuts? He needs to go fuck himself. The Asian I mean. HATE HIM. Just once I want to see the tables turn and those striking the young man get what's coming to them. They are terrible sick people that like to do that.
Alexander Garrett is a good-looking, muscular guy. He "mmmppphhh"s convincingly when he is hand-gagged. I would have liked this video more if Alexander had resisted more strenuously against being abused and struggled harder against his bonds.
Who is that hot blonde being serviced behind the bar and then having his ass remmed. He should be bound in public. would love to see him in bondage and his body worked over.
Alexander hmmm, beautiful body. And great to see Tyler with his great body again. And the dansing love it.
he'is absolutely gorgeous from every parts!!! You guys worked him well !!
This is the perfect example of what I like about this site, Hot young models and plots about jocks,strippers,people who tease,bashers,rockers, young hot bullies being over come by revenge or payback
OMG Alexandar is simply a stunning specimen! pls bring him back for more! be it in BIP or BG!
Merci ligoterpascal01, cette appréciation inattendue m'est allée droit au cœur - tout en me condamnant à rester désormais si possible au niveau de pertinence qui m'est reconnu. J'essaie effectivement de susciter des commentaires en français (ou en toute langue maternelle) - je pourrais écrire trois lignes en mauvais anglais, je n'en vois pas l'intérêt. Je vis effectivement en France, dans le 37 comme l'indique mon pseudo, et faute de pouvoir se rencontrer, il est bien agréable de savoir qu'on partage les mêmes inclinations et les mêmes préférences.
J'aimerais ajouter en français (ma langue maternelle) quelques mots d'appréciation pour les commentaires de Manuel_37, qui sont toujours intelligents, pertinents, et aptes à donner une valeur ajoutée d'intensité érotique aux vidéos qu'il commente. Par exemple sa manière de décrire Alexander dans le présent vidéo est non seulement juste, mais tout à fait exquise. J'aimerais bien collaborer avec Manuel_37 pour soumettre un beau sub, mais je doute que nous soyons du même continent (je vis à Montréal, Québec, Canada), donc je me contenterai, avec plaisir toutefois, de lire ses excellents commentaires.
This is definitely one of the best sessions BIP ever made ! Alexander is utterly HOT and behaves accordingly with his submissive status. I also appreciate alot that he was tied up most of the time (which is something BIP should do more often). Watching Alexander sucking cocks while blindfolded and his hands tied behind his back is erotically very intense and sensual. PLEASE make more like that, maybe with a different beginning like the delivering of a guy, in underwear, his hands tied behind his back and blindfolded, by his lover as a kind of punishment the submissive guy accepts to endure as a sign of love and dedication to the will of his dominant lover...
wowww great to see nice cumshoots and cool body's
Van, i think it is so great that you can take a newbie and initiate him into your scene so readily! it truly speaks to your skill at what you do! Alexander is a beautiful specimen of man and i love the way you and the others put him through his paces. i have watched ALL the shoots on BIP to current and with a few rare exceptions, you all do a GREAT job. as in another comment, i personally would like to see some WS action with some of your scenes, particularly the bathroom scenes or possibly another section devoted to it as you do on the STR8 side of this site.
It is so awesome seeing Tyler again, and what a nice long handgag he does on Alexander too! Van, thank you! I love when you order to have his mouth hot. Alexander is a beautiful guy and he maked for a great bottom/victim! LOVED it!
Alexander, he is a beautiful man, and made even more so at his suffering. Tks Van
L'attraction de cette session est à coup sûr Alexander Garrett, nouveau venu à BIP (mais non au porno gay où on l'a déjà vu à la grande satisfaction de tous). Attraction au sens le plus fort du terme, car AG capte le regard à la fois par sa beauté et par sa grâce - en toutes positions (et il est amené à en prendre de toutes sortes) sa séduction joue et on reste admiratif devant ce sujet de grande classe. La foule rassemblée dans le club se presse autour de lui pour lui rendre - avec quelque rudesse parfois - l'hommage qu'il mérite. La séquence de flogging (35' - 40'), d'intensité modeste (mais Mr Van se sentirait frustré s'il ne pouvait manier le fouet dans chacune de ses réalisations) est à mes yeux de toute beauté; AG y est mis en valeur et chaque frémissement de son corps sous les coups est d'une intense sensualité. L'inoxydable Tyler Saint à été convié dans le rôle du buttmachine, il s'en sort fort bien. Belle idée de casting, les deux physiques se complètent à merveille. Réussir un BIP n'est pas chose aisée - c'est réussi cette semaine, bravo!
Loved Alexander. Would love to see him on Bound Gods.
Alexander Gerat issss Great!
Great scene - even if Alexander seems lost in his own inner world sometimes. By the way, who is this young lean guy with an amaaaaazing cumshot at the end? I'd like to see more of him (please).
So Amazing~~Alexander Gerat~~