Ryan licks Kidd’s balls. Kidd puts on a condom and has Ryan suck his cock. Finally, he goes to explore the office, making Ryan keep his lips on one of his sneakers as he makes the tour. They pass the studio/playroom which attracts Kidd, and go inside. A harnessed and plug-gag-locked office slave (Greg Foster) is chained up in the standing cage. Kidd plays with Foster’s hard dick a bit. Some cock and ball and nipple torment. Tiring of that, Kidd has Ryan lay wrestling mats on the studio floor, after which he takes some rope and hogties Ryan on the mat, nipple torments him, pinching and biting, and abuses Ryan’s cock and balls, finally making him shoot all over the mat. He leaves the room, returns with a suitcase and starts putting equipment into it. When Ryan, who has been ungagged, protests, Kidd puts the gag back in and continues packing the suitcase. He is interrupted by the sound of someone clearing his throat and looks up to see a cop standing in the doorway.
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